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Read about NNE’s OSD services and expertise and learn how we can help you optimize productivity and cost-effectiveness in solid dosage manufacturing.
Read how strict GMP demands and fast execution came together in the design and start-up of launch plant for new oral solid dosage product.
Roche’s solid dosage manufacturing plant had to accommodate high-potency solid dosage forms.
Read more about life as a pharma consultant who specializes in oral solid dosage .
Read how NNE’s multipurpose facility design enabled Hisun to produce sterile and nonsterile dosage forms under cGMP and high containment conditions.
Meet Oliver Gottlieb, our industry expert in front end and process engineering, small molecules, oral solid dosage (OSD), containment and API.
Read how our GMP training enabled Kyong Dong's own qualification team to qualify the company’s new tablet plant, which is its first GMP-compliant facility.
NNE provided conceptual design, basic design and a detailed design review for Abdi Ibrahim's new multi-purpose, multi-product facility.
NNE emerges from 2019 with a solid result and a focused business - ready to drive digitalization and green initiatives in Danish pharmaceutical production.
Get the full story on how NNE helped Merz Group Services complete a GMP upgrade of its non-sterile dosage form plant without interrupting production.